Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The beginning of the 52 rebuild project - or "How I fell in love with the rust bomb"

I have always loved older vehicles - especially trucks. Cars are cool but trucks remind me of the farm where I grew up. Trucks are simpler and less fancy than cars and symbolize a work ethic that I like. My earliest memories on the farm are of helping my father repair an engine and I have always been tinkering with cars and trucks (sometimes because I want to and sometimes because I have to).

I started this blog to help me keep track of a truck rebuild project and hopefully to guide and inspire someone else who is thinking of doing the same thing. I know I have relied on lots of internet knowledge as I progressed with the project.

In May 2009, I took the plunge and bought a 1952 Fargo from a seller near Saskatoon Saskatchewan for the measly sum of $1000.00. The truck was running and "the only thing wrong was the brakes were not working" according to the seller. There are lots of 50's Chevrolets and Fords because the aftermarket parts supply is there for them.  There are very few Dodge trucks and the fact that this is a Fargo makes it a bit unique. 

My brother and I towed it from Saskatoon to Lloydminster, picked up his family there, and towed the truck the rest of the way to my house in Edmonton.
Here is the truck after its long journey from Saskatoon to Edmonton.

That's me outside and my nephew Sheldon in the drivers seat. 
Here is the truck we towed the Fargo with - Old Yeller

I only have 1 garage so in the summer I park the cars outside on the street and I work on the truck.  In the winter the truck comes out and the cars go into the garage.  So far it seems to work.  So long as the cars don't get snowed on...


In June 2009 I started to take the Fargo apart.

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